Topic: name space proposal

Author: keithro@microsoft.UUCP (Keith ROWE)
Date: 3 May 91 16:07:45 GMT
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I submitted a paper at the last ANSI X3J16 meeting on the subject of
name space pollution.   It is quite similar to some of the discussion
I have seen here recently.   I have included an electronic version of
this paper here for your comments.

I plan to submit a revised version of this paper at the June meeting.
Please send me any comments or suggestions you may have.


Keith Rowe

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ANSI X3J16/91-0041

Name Space Pollution: A Proposal

Version 1: Feb 4, 1991
Version 2: March 9, 1991

Keith Rowe
Microsoft Corp.

1.0   The Problem

One of the goals of C++ is to encourage the re-use of code.  As this
practice becomes more common, more and more of our code will be pieced
together from previously written components.

The problem is that groups of classes from different authors may
inadvertently select identical symbol names for classes, enumerations,
member functions and objects that may act very differently.  The
likelihood of such a name clash grows exponentially with the number of
authors contributing to the new work.

This problem will affect both those who try to generate classes for
re-use and those who try to combine the classes again.

1.1 An Example

Vendor A creates a hierarchy of classes for window management and
decides to model a list box with a class called List.

Vendor B creates a second hierarchy of classes to handle collections and
decides to model sequentially ordered collection with a class called

Even though these two sets of classes may complement each other well,
the re-use of the name List will make it very difficult to combine these
classes or even to use them in the same application.  If the consumer of
the classes doesn't have access to the source code for the classes, it
may even be impossible.

What we need is a convention, mechanism or combination of the two that
allows authors to prevent symbol collisions between their groups of
classes.  This should be easy to use and minimize the inconvenience to
the consumer of the classes.

2.0  Rejected Solutions

One approach would be to suggest a convention where all vendors use a
unique prefix for all their symbol names.  The X Windows and Motif
libraries are examples of this solution.

While this is a simple solution that requires no change in the language,
it does require awkward symbol names.  Will users of your class always
want to type MS before every symbol? Also, there is no guarantee that
two vendors may not accidentally choose identical prefixes.  This will
be compounded by the natural drive to keep prefixes short.  For example,
what keeps Michigan State and Microsoft from both choosing to append MS
to all their symbols?

3.0  "Bundle" and "Use"

A bundle is a group of declarations that share a common named scope,
much like nested classes.  Bundles are neither types nor classes, and
thus, instances of a bundle cannot be created.  Bundles can be nested
within other bundles.  Individual declarations within a bundle can be
accessed using the existing notation for nested classes.

The syntax for declaring a bundle is:

 bundle identifier {

For example:

bundle Microsoft {

 class Window {        // class declaration
  // ...

 int windowCount;      // type declaration

 void tallyWindows(Window w)  // regular function

main ()
 Microsoft::Window myWindow;

 Microsoft::windowCount = 1;


This provides authors with a convenient mechanism for uniquely marking
their class libraries.  Since full identifiers are used to name bundles,
it is convenient use long strings that cannot conflict (company names or
modified internet addresses, for example).  Since bundles can be nested,
various groups within a larger project can also protect their name
spaces (eg.  the windowing team can use Microsoft::Windows and the
spreadsheet team can use Microsoft::Excel).  The mechanism of using the
'::' operator to distinguish scopes is already used in C++.

The chief drawback of this addition is the long symbol identifiers that
the consumer of the class library must now use.

This is solved with the use keyword.   The statement:

 use bundle-identifier;

can be introduced at any scope in a function definition or at global
scope.  From that point on in the current scope, any identifier that
cannot be found in the symbol table is tried again with the bundle
identifier prefixed to it.  Multiple use statements can be active and
the bundles are checked in order from the most recently declared use
statement to the least recently declared.

For example:

bundle Microsoft {

 // same as previous example


 use Microsoft;

 // These statements are equivalent to those in the
 // previous example.

 Window myWindow;

 windowCount = 1;


Now the '::' operator is only needed in those cases where a symbol is
used in two bundles.  For example:

bundle VendorA {

 class List { /* List Box stuff */ };

bundle VendorB {

 class List { /* Seq Ordered collection stuff */ };

void organizeMenus ()
 VendorB::List mylist;
 VendorA::List * menu;

 // ...

4.0  Summary

Name pollution will become a serious problem for the C++ programmers of
tomorrow.  Organizing libraries of classes into bundles will keep the
name spaces uniquely identifiable and, with the use statement, will not
burden the consumer of these libraries with awkward notation.

I would like to thank Martin O'Riordan for his valuable input to this

Author: aed@netcom.COM (Andrew Davidson)
Date: 8 May 91 15:05:28 GMT
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In article <72143@microsoft.UUCP> keithro@microsoft.UUCP (Keith ROWE) writes:
>4.0  Summary
>Name pollution will become a serious problem for the C++ programmers of
>tomorrow.  Organizing libraries of classes into bundles will keep the
>name spaces uniquely identifiable and, with the use statement, will not
>burden the consumer of these libraries with awkward notation.

Is this really a problem the language neededs to support. You
mentioned that this problem can be solved by convention. Also why is
this not concidered a problem in C or other programming langs that
support libraries? If it is a concidered a problem in other langs,
what mechnism do these langs use to solve the problem.

Thanks Andy

                  "bede-bede-bede Thats all Folks"
    Porky Pig
Andy Davidson
Woodside CA.

Author: (Jonathan Shapiro)
Date: 27 May 91 23:50:04 GMT
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In article <72143@microsoft.UUCP> keithro@microsoft.UUCP (Keith ROWE) writes:
>This is solved with the use keyword.   The statement:
> use bundle-identifier;
>can be introduced at any scope in a function definition or at global

Your proposal needs to be extended in several ways.

1. It must specify the order of search for the following example:

 use bundle1;

  use bundle2;
  use bundle3;

I suggest that you define that each instance of 'use' introduce a new
scope in the same way that each new variable declaration does, and
that the search extend to the end of the scope in which the 'use'
statement appears.

2. It fails to deal with the need to be able to import names
selectively.  Something like the following is desirable:

 use name1, name2, name3 from bundle1;

3. The most important use of modules is to control exporting.  It is
often useful to have functions that are global within a module, but
not global outside the module.  That is, an "export" notion is needed.

4. It needs to define the behavior of nested bundles:

 bundle l1 {

  bundle l2 {
   int a;
  } ;
 } ;

Do I say:




If I have said

 use l1;

do I say

 l2::a  or a

what about if l1 did a 'use l2?'

Suggested resolution:

 1. Names nest fully.  The correct name is l1::l2::a
 2. A use clause within a bundle does not cause those variables
    to be exported by the bundle.  Transitive export has been a
    serious problem in other schemes.  It is the hardest part
    of the modules mechanism to get right.

5. A mechanism is required to allow import of a module giving it a
different name:

 use Microsoft from a.o as Microsoft2;

This gives the user control over vendor collisions.

Overall, I think you're on the right track.

Jonathan Shapiro