Topic: Comparison functions for qsort() and bsearch()

Author: rfg@NCD.COM (Ron Guilmette)
Date: 12 Jan 91 21:33:37 GMT
Raw View
In article <465@mole-end.UUCP> mat@mole-end.UUCP (Mark A Terribile) writes:
+> >Both qsort() and bsearch() require a pointer to a function which [takes]
+> >two parameters of type pointer-to-void.  ... that the function ... will
+> >almost immediately cast [them to] pointer-to-T is utterly irrelevant.
+Second, the real conflict isn't between  void*  and  XYZ*  and it has nothing
+THIS WORLD.  NOTHING.  The MI problem occurs when you have pointers that are
+stored as  derived*  and interpreted as base* .  That problem *COULD* occur
+here, but it's not an essential part of the problem.  In other words, it's a
+herring that has gone beyond red and is well on its way to scarlet.

As you say, that problem can occur in the context under discussion, and
I think that it is a real problem and not a red herring.

+What is probably DISASTROUS is to use the ellipsis in declaring  qsort() .
+If  qsort() 's argument is of the form   int (*cmpr_fun)( ... )  the function
+may get called (and under some MS-DOS compilers, *WILL* get called) with an
+entirely different calling sequence, such that the function will misunderstand
+its arguments and even its call/return sequence.
+In other words, Sun Microsystems has indeed made a horrible mistake.

OK.  We are in agreement about that.  Doug L. ?  Where are you where we need

Will this be fixed in a future release?

+Templates can provide a better solution...

Again, we agree.

+But templates don't answer the problem completely.  What happens if you
+have something like a database engine that has to handle whatever types and
+sizes are thrown at it without recompilation? ...

Perhaps such things are bad candidates for being coded in a quasi-
strongly-typed language like C++.


// Ron Guilmette  -  C++ Entomologist
// Internet:      uucp: ...uunet!lupine!rfg
// Motto:  If it sticks, force it.  If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.

Author: mat@mole-end.UUCP (Mark A Terribile)
Date: 3 Jan 91 09:33:44 GMT
Raw View
> >Both qsort() and bsearch() require a pointer to a function which [takes]
> >two parameters of type pointer-to-void.  ... that the function ... will
> >almost immediately cast [them to] pointer-to-T is utterly irrelevant.

>  ...  It is always possible to cast a pointer to anything to a pointer
> to void.  But it is not guaranteed that you can cast a pointer to
> void back to its original.  ...

Eh?  So long as it's not a pointer-to-function, it sure is guaranteed possible,
or I'm a monkey's uncle.  (Which I ain't.  So there.)

> >Remember that qsort() cannot know the real type of the objects it is
> >sorting.

>  Again I agree with Ron.  qsort/bsearch should be templated functions.
>  Better yet they should be member functions embedded in some kind of
>  container class.

I think that we've been railroaded up a type system branch line and out onto
a siding with no end-of-track warning and no bumber.

Fust of all, the ``array'' 'pon which qsort() and it's ilk work must be a
true homogeneous array.  In other words, everything's gotta be the same size
so the exchanges will work and everything's gotta have enough the same
structure that the comparison functions will work.  This may mean that qsort()
or its buddies is to be given an array of pointers.

Second, the real conflict isn't between  void*  and  XYZ*  and it has nothing
THIS WORLD.  NOTHING.  The MI problem occurs when you have pointers that are
stored as  derived*  and interpreted as base* .  That problem *COULD* occur
here, but it's not an essential part of the problem.  In other words, it's a
herring that has gone beyond red and is well on its way to scarlet.

The problem is that  qsort()  wants to use a generic pointer  ( void* )  to
address its `stuff' and so it wants to call a compare function that looks

  int compare( void*, void* )

while the function will necessarily be of type

  int compare( const Stuff*, const Stuff* )

(or  const Stuff**, const Stuff** , or whatever).

Thus, qsort takes (or SHOULD take) as a parameter an argument of the form

  int (*cmpr_fun)( void*, void* )

and we want to pass it an argument of the form

  int (*cmpr_fun)( const Stuff*, const Stuff* )

This means that we must coerce (by cast) a pointer-to-function of one type
to the type of the other pointer-to-function.

I want to believe that this is harmless; I am inclined to believe that on
most machines it is, so long as we supply the compare function and it knows
what of what  Stuff  we are asking  qsort()  to speak.  (What if it's not
harmless?  More a little later ...)

What is probably DISASTROUS is to use the ellipsis in declaring  qsort() .
If  qsort() 's argument is of the form   int (*cmpr_fun)( ... )  the function
may get called (and under some MS-DOS compilers, *WILL* get called) with an
entirely different calling sequence, such that the function will misunderstand
its arguments and even its call/return sequence.

What compilers and why?  The Glockenspiel port of  cfront , at least, and
because ordinary member functions of fixed signature can be called using the
Pascal calling sequence, which is smaller and faster than the C calling
sequence (because the size of the argument list to be released in the Pascal
calling sequence is known definitely to the callED function, which can
specify in the return statement that the stack is to be so adjusted--and this
is not possible in the C calling sequence, in which the callING function must
strip the arguments).  (Unfortunately, if the Pascal calling sequence is used,
the function is marked as Pascal in the object file and the frotzenglarken
linker insists on ignoring case when comparing function names.)

In other words, Sun Microsystems has indeed made a horrible mistake.  You've
just got to trust the user to pun the types correctly here, at least until
we get a better solution.  The ellipsis is dead wrong.

 Once again, for those who came late:

  The ellipsis in the prototype of the compare function
  pointer in the prototype for  qsort()  (or any other generic
  sorting or searching function) is ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY,

But isn't this a matter for the ANSI committee, as well as for Sun?  I wish
them well, I sure do ...

Templates can provide a better solution, provided that it's not necessary to
either (a) compile in a whole new version of the  qsort()  code for each type
to be handled, or (b) introduce additional out-of-line function calls into
each internal step of the sort.

But templates don't answer the problem completely.  What happens if you
have something like a database engine that has to handle whatever types and
sizes are thrown at it without recompilation?  Then you need the flexibility
provided by the current  qsort() .

There's another problem, and a it's real killer.  What if  void*  is different
in size and even in how (e.g., in what register or stack) it must be passed
from  Stuff* ?  Then you CAN'T pass an
int (*cmpr_fun)( const Stuff*, const Stuff* )  to  qsort()  (which,
remember, wants an  int (*cmpr_fun)( void*, void* ) .  This means that if
your compare function is  int strcmp( const char*, const char* ) , you really
DO have to wrap it in a function like

 int str_as_void_cmp( const void* s1, const void* s2 )
  return strcmp( (const char*) s1, (const char*) s2 );

Furthermore, it won't do any good to declare it inline, because a REAL pointer
and REAL operations are needed.

Again, templates can help.

It would also be nice (and may become important in the world of C++ and
templates) if global optimizers realized that all  F()  does is call  G()
with exactly the same (to the machine) parameters, and replace the call to
F()  outright  with the call to  G() .  This requires optimization AFTER
symbol resolution but before relocation--in other words, optimization
BETWEEN THE LINKING PHASES.  Such may be a real need in C++ with templates.
Of course, if the function  F()  is declared inline, the code generator has
information sufficient to perform the optimization, IF its optimizer can make
use of the information.  Again, it may become important to do so soon.
(Instead of removing the call to  F() , it may be possible to turn  F() into
a jump into a point inside G() and perhaps just after G()'s prologue--if the
appropriate label is available.)

Such optimization would allow us to write the `correct' code (correct in that
we explicitly type-pun and take responsibility for the consequences) while
allowing the code to run without extra cost on machines on which that is
indeed possible.

 (This man's opinions are his own.)
 From mole-end    Mark Terribile