Topic: static data members which are arrays
Author: (Desmond Dsouza)
Date: 18 Oct 90 16:36:07 GMT Raw View
What are the rules for initialization of static class data members
which are arrays? Specifically:
1. Is an explicit size required in the declaration in the class?
2. Do arrays of built-in types follow the same rules as arrays of
class types?
3. If an explicit size is required: WHY is it optional for global
variables and required for static class members?
The ARM (p.289-290) is not explicit on this point, and the examples
included all have explicit sizes in them.
Sun C++ and Gnu G++ both behave as indicated in the example below:
enum PLACEHOLDER {X1, X2};
class Act {
Act(PLACEHOLDER p) : mem(p) {}
// data members
class FOO {
static int i1[];
static int i2[2];
static Act a1[];
static Act a2[2];
int FOO::i1[] = {1,2}; // works fine for int[]
int FOO::i2[2] = {1,2}; // fine for int[]
Act globalArr[] = { Act(X1), Act(X2) }; // fine for globals with constructor
Act FOO::a1[] = { Act(X1), Act(X2) }; // **** error for static member with constructor
Act FOO::a2[2] = { Act(X1), Act(X2) }; // fine for *sized* static member with constructor
Desmond D'Souza, MCC CAD Program | ARPA: | Phone: [512] 338-3324
Box 200195, Austin, TX 78720 | UUCP: {uunet,harvard,gatech,pyramid}!!milano!cadillac!dsouza