Topic: Packing Across Inheritance Boundari

Author: jimad@microsoft.UUCP (Jim ADCOCK)
Date: 22 Aug 90 22:19:49 GMT
Raw View
In article <13413@> Chuc@ writes:
|>>>>> On 31 Jul 90 23:13:11 GMT, (Jeremy Webber) said:
|Jeremy> The ability for a compiler to re-order the elements of
|Jeremy> structures/unions is a useful optimization.  I would argue that any
|Jeremy> code which writes structures to a data file is non-portable.
|True.  Even if the ordering is identical, the alignment may vary.  However,
|alignment is not _likely_ to vary between systems using the same CPU,
|although it still _can_ vary due to compiler differences.

Even under C, the validity of this statement varies greatly depending
on the CPU being used.  Some CPUs dictate a particular alignment strategy.
Other CPUs support multiple alignment strategies.  Some C compilers
even support options for multiple alignment strategies.  A very common
tradeoff is to pack to double-byte boundaries in order to have structures
with at worse one byte holes,  verses packing to quad-byte boundaries in
order to have fast bus access on CPUs with 32-bit buses.  C++ has much
more issues relating to compatibility, which will be discussed below.

|Jeremy> If data is to be portable it should *always* be written element by
|Jeremy> element, preferably in ASCII.
|If your program isn't already I/O bound, this is an excellent strategy, and
|I highly recommend it as the default strategy.
|Jeremy> The programmer should never assume specific structure ordering,
|Jeremy> except in the case of bit field specifications, which can override
|Jeremy> the compiler's defaults.
|Even this can fail, unless all the world is a 32 bit int.  Seriously, many
|programs have to bang hardware which may not pack data in the "optimized"
|form.  Perhaps this (and portability between compilers) is partly why order
|of inheiritance became defined under C++ 2.0.

I just went over all the layout specifications in E&S, and I believe this
to be a misstatement -- at least as applied to what is called out in
E&S.  The only layout requirement *at all* I can find in E&S is that
fields within a labeled access section must be at increasing addresses.
E&S goes out of its way to specifically call all other layout issues
"implementation dependent."  Sections 10.1c etc spend a great deal of
time covering a number of ways objects can be layed out.

The order of initialization of inherited parents is called out.  The
order of layout of sections inherited from parents is not called out.

|I also suspect reordering members between parents in a derived class such
|that their elements are interleaved, would present a run time nightmare for
|the C++ implementor.  Perhaps one of the implementors out there would care
|to comment.

Not an implementer, but -- I don't think people are seriously suggesting
packing across the inheritence hierarchy --- we're talking about packing
up the inheritence hierarchy.  Thus, if a derived class has two non-
virtual parents, its not the parents that attempt to share space, but
rather its the derived class that has the possibility to pack some of its
members into holes left in either of the two parents.  The implementation
of this is not difficult.  It just requires a convention that the compiler
not mess with unused "holes" in a structure.  And yes, this restriction
could lead to slower code, leading to the traditional tradeoffs between
speed and space.  A compiler design tradeoff.

Again, I think that the one remaining packing order restriction should
be further restricted to the situation where one puts one's structure
in an extern "C" statement, thus turning off name mangling, and explicitly
stating one wants to have historical compatibility.  Thus, if one puts
extern "C" { } around a .h file, you maintain compatibility with the C
world, and any prior successful mappings someone has found between a
"C" structure, and machine registers.  And/or compatibility with
historical "C" libraries.

A few of the reasons I think that C++ compilers are so unlikely to be
compatible as to make packing order compatibility a moot issue:

Does a given compiler pack to double-byte or quad-byte boundaries?

Big-endian or little-endian?

16-bit or 32-bit ints?

C or Pascal or register calling protocols?

"this" passed in a register [which register?] or on the stack?

Vtptrs or tagged pointers, or tagged objects?

0, 8, 16, 32, 48, or 64 bit Vtptrs?

Embedded Objects or references?

Derived contiguous with parent structures, or references?

Order of layout of access labeled sections?

Order of layout of parents?

Vbase implementation?

Method call via indirection, ptr fixup, double dispatch, hashed dispatch,
fat tables, etc?

16, 32, 48, or 64 bit pointers?

segmented or flat pointers?

name mangled, if so, what encoding?

"compatible" with C linkers, or a custom linker required?

what libraries provided with the compiler?

etc, etc, etc.

In summary, there a many more ways to implement a good C++ compiler than
there are vendors.  The only way two compilers are going to be at all
compatible is if vendors for a particular CPU get together and agree on
a standard approach for that CPU.  There is no hope of telling a vendor
"the right way" to implement C++ for a given CPU -- that choice depends
on the CPU and the goals of the vendor.  Likewise, it is unlikely that
object layouts are going to match -- becuase layout choices depend
on the goals of the compiler.  Thus, please leave compiler implementation
details out of the language specification.  -- Imagine how one might
implement C++ on the Rekursiv architecture, if you want to get a
different perspective on the language.

Author: rfg@NCD.COM (Ron Guilmette)
Date: 24 Aug 90 06:53:33 GMT
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In article <56843@microsoft.UUCP> jimad@microsoft.UUCP (Jim ADCOCK) writes:
+... {some things} make packing order compatibility a moot issue:
+Derived contiguous with parent structures, or references?

I hope so.

+segmented or flat pointers?

Everybody except Intel uses flat.  (No flames please.  All generalizations
are false, including this one.)

+...  Thus, please leave compiler implementation
+details out of the language specification.

One man's "implementation detail" is another man's language semantics.

I believe that ANSI C requires that:

 (&a[2] - &a[1]) == 1

Are you going to suggest that this should have been left out of ANSI C
because it unduly restricts the implementation of arrays to consecutive
memory locations with ascending addresses?

How about the semantics of `volatile'?  Should that all be tossed out of
ANSI C also?  After all, it does put some rather specific constraints on


// Ron Guilmette  -  C++ Entomologist
// Internet:      uucp: ...uunet!lupine!rfg
// Motto:  If it sticks, force it.  If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.

Author: jimad@microsoft.UUCP (Jim ADCOCK)
Date: 27 Aug 90 18:20:31 GMT
Raw View
In article <1316@lupine.NCD.COM> rfg@NCD.COM (Ron Guilmette) writes:
>In article <56843@microsoft.UUCP> jimad@microsoft.UUCP (Jim ADCOCK) writes:
>+... {some things} make packing order compatibility a moot issue:
>+Derived contiguous with parent structures, or references?
>I hope so.

Your hope is already not met on any C++ compiler that supports virtual
base classes.  The common derived-contiguous approach is fast and simple,
but has trouble with scheme evolution.  C++ compilers optimized towards
rapidly changing code, such as C++ interpreters, might do well to choose
a different layout scheme.

>+segmented or flat pointers?
>Everybody except Intel uses flat.  (No flames please.  All generalizations
>are false, including this one.)

It turns out that the 68000 reasonably supports segmented-like pointer
schemes, which get used a lot on the Mac to allow chunks of memory to
be easily moved.  So the two most popular computer families use segmentation,
at least some of the time.  Conversely, the Intel 386/486 etc, have
perfectly good support for programming with 0:32 pointers.

My claim is that with OOP moving towards persistence, 0:32 pointers are
going to be a little small in a number of cases, and that people are
going to start looking towards 16:32 or 32:32 pointers for these cases.
Segmenting can work well in these cases, with 0:32 pointers referring
to transient objects, and 16:32 or 32:32 pointers referring to persistent
objects.  One might argue that today's 0:32 machines will be reworked
into 0:48 or 0:64 machines, but I believe moving 0:32 machines to 16:32 or
32:32 segmented pointers would be more logical moves for the vendors of
those chips.

>+...  Thus, please leave compiler implementation
>+details out of the language specification.
>One man's "implementation detail" is another man's language semantics.
>I believe that ANSI C requires that:
> (&a[2] - &a[1]) == 1
>Are you going to suggest that this should have been left out of ANSI C
>because it unduly restricts the implementation of arrays to consecutive
>memory locations with ascending addresses?

No, because it easy to think of non-hack ways to use these features.
Iterating over arrays, comparing array addresses is common, and portable,
C and C++ usage.  However, iterating over structure elements, and comparing
structure element addresses within a structure, is not common, nor is it
portable.  Arrays are very different things from structures.

Note however, that on a machine like Rekursiv it may well be that the
actual objects in an array do not reside at consecutive addresses in
real memory.  This is fine, as long as programmers are presented with
a model where the standard array/pointer calculations still work.  One
solution might be to always make "an object" synonymous with a reference
to a chunk of memory.  Then the "sizeof" all objects is always the same
[probably either "1" or "4", depending on whether chars are handled just
like any other object]  Such an approach should work, and just maps C++
onto an object model more similar to other OOPLs, where "an object" is
always a reference to a chunk of memory, rather than the chunk of memory
itself.  Note that "sizeof" is not the same as the sum of the sizeofs the
elements of a structure, so that is not a constraint.

>How about the semantics of `volatile'?  Should that all be tossed out of
>ANSI C also?  After all, it does put some rather specific constraints on

I really don't care about ANSI-C.  I only have interests in C++.
I think volatile can have interesting, reasonable, usages, but I
see no reason why C++ usage of volatile need be identical to ANSI-C.
On the contrary, I'd be surprised if the needs of OOP don't force
some changes in the exact meaning of volatile.