Topic: Deleted functions in template argument substitution
Author: =?UTF-8?Q?Andrzej_Krzemie=C5=84ski?= <>
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2016 05:37:26 -0700 (PDT)
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Hi Everyone,
As outlined in this discussion
it is not immediately clear how type traits should treat references to the
deleted functions. I enclose a proposal for wording changes that would make
this a bit more cleared. You can also see it online here
I would like to ask people here experienced in writing and reviewing
proposals for feedback. Also, I wonder if a proposal that only clarifies
the wording should be submitted as a separate proposal, or as a defect
report with a suggested fix?
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<div dir=3D"ltr">Hi Everyone,<br>As outlined in <a href=3D"https://groups.g=">this =
discussion</a>, it is not immediately clear how type traits should treat re=
ferences to the deleted functions. I enclose a proposal for wording changes=
that would make this a bit more cleared. You can also see it online <a hre=
/blob/master/immediate_context.html">here</a>.<br><br>I would like to ask p=
eople here experienced in writing and reviewing proposals for feedback. Als=
o, I wonder if a proposal that only clarifies the wording should be submitt=
ed as a separate proposal, or as a defect report with a suggested fix?<br><=
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To view this discussion on the web visit <a href=3D"
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<title>Deleted functions in template argument substitution</title>
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<address style=3D"text-align: left;">
Document number: XXXXXX<br/>
Date: YYYY-MM-DD<br/>
Project: Programming Language C++<br/>
Audience: Core Language Working Group<br/>
Reply-to: <a href=3D"">Andrzej Krzemienski</a>
<h1 style=3D"text-align: center;">Deleted functions in template argument su=
This paper proposes no changes to the language (or the Standard Library). I=
t only offers a wording that clarifies two things:
<li>How deleted functions are treated in SFINAE contexts.</li>
<li>What constitutes the "immediate context" during stemplate argument subs=
Additionally, it provides a brief and formal term "superficially well-forme=
d" as a replacement for long
repetitive and non-normative explanations in Clause 20.13, like=20
<blockquote>"Access checking
is performed as if in a
context unrelated to <code>T</code> and
<code>U</code>. Only the validity of the
immediate context of the
assignment expression is
considered. [<i>Note:</i> The
compilation of the
expression can result in
side effects such as the
instantiation of class
template specializations
and function template
specializations, the
generation of
functions, and so on. Such
side effects are not in the
“immediate context” and
can result in the program
being ill-formed. <i>— end
note</i>]" </blockquote>
<h2>Proposed wording</h2>
<p>(Relative to N4582.)</p>
<li>In 14.8.2 [temp.deduct] change paragraph 8 as indicated:
<ins>A type or an expression <code>E</code> is said to be in a <em>remote c=
ontext</em> of the function type and its template parameter types, when:
<li>a class template specialization is instantiated in the process of subst=
itution, and <code>E</code> is a member thereof, or</li>
<li>a function template specialization is instantiated in the process of su=
bstitution, and <code>E</code> occurs in its definition, or</li>
<li>an implicitly-defined non-deleted function is generated in the process =
of substitution, and <code>E</code> occurs in its definition.</li>
<del>If a substitution results in an invalid type or expression, type deduc=
tion fails.</del> An invalid type or expression is
one that would be ill-formed, with a diagnostic required, if written using =
the substituted arguments. [<i>Note</i>:
If no diagnostic is required, the program is still ill-formed. <del>Access =
checking is done as part of the substitution
process.</del> — <i>end note</i>] <del>Only invalid types and express=
ions in the immediate context of the function type and
its template parameter types can result in a deduction failure. [<i>Note</i=
>: The evaluation of the substituted
types and expressions can result in side effects such as the instantiation =
of class template specializations
and/or function template specializations, the generation of implicitly-defi=
ned functions, etc. Such side effects
are not in the =93immediate context=94 and can result in the program being =
ill-formed. — <i>end note</i>]</del>
<ins>If a substitution results in an invalid type or expression in a remote=
context, the program is ill-formed.=20
If a substitution results in an invalid type or expression in a non-remote =
context, type deduction fails.
Access checking is done as part of the substitution process, in the contex=
t unrelated to the types of sub-expressions of <code>E</code>.</ins>
<br><br />
<ins>An expressions <code>X</code> is said to be <em>superficially well-for=
med</em> when its substitution ends in type deduction success.
[<i>Note</i>: An expression may be determined to be superficially well-for=
med and yet its odr-use may cause a program to be ill-formed. — <i>en=
d note</i>] </ins>
<br />
struct X { };
struct Y {
template <class T> auto f(T t1, T t2) -> decltype(t1 + t2); <i>// #=
X f(Y, Y); <i>// #2</i>
X x1, x2;
X x3 =3D f(x1, x2); <i>// deduction fails on #1 (cannot add X+X), calls #=
</pre>— <i>end example</i>]
<li><p>In 8.4.3 [dcl.fct.def.delete] change paragraph 2 as indicated:</p>
<blockquote>A program that refers to a deleted function implicitly or expli=
citly, other than to declare it, is ill-formed.
[<i>Note:</i> This includes calling the function implicitly or explicitly a=
nd forming a pointer or pointer-to-member
to the function. It applies even for references in expressions that are not=
potentially-evaluated. If a function
is overloaded, it is referenced only if the function is selected by overloa=
d resolution. The implicit odr-use (3.2)
of a virtual function does not, by itself, constitute a reference. <i>&mdas=
h;end note</i>]
<ins>[<i>Note:</i> Making a program ill-formed while determining if an expr=
ession is superficially well-formed (20.13) has special meaning and may not=
in fact result in the program being ill-formed. <i>—end note</i>]</i=
<li><p>Insert somewere at the beginning of 20.13 [meta] the following:</p>
<p>A number of traits in this clause need to determine if a given expressio=
n <code>E</code> is well-formed for a number of types <code>Tn</code>.</p>
<p>A type or an expression <code>X</code> is said to be in the <em>immediat=
e context</em> of expression <code>E</code> when in the process of determin=
ation of well-formedness of <code>E</code> none of the following is the cas=
<li>a class template specialization is instantiated and <code>X</code> is a=
member thereof, or</li>
<li>a function template specialization is instantiated and <code>X</code> o=
ccurs in the definition thereof, or</li>
<li>an implicitly-defined non-deleted function is generated and <code>X</co=
de> occurs in the definition thereof.</li>
<p>A type or an expression <code>X</code> is said to be <em>invalid</em> if=
forming it, during the instantiation of expression <code>E</code> with arg=
uments <code>Tn</code>, would make the program ill-formed, with a diagnosti=
c required. Access checking is performed as if in a context unrelated to an=
y of types <code>Tn</code>.</p>
<p>An expression <code>E</code> is <em>deeply ill-formed</em> for types <co=
de>Tn</code> when instantiaing <code>E</code> with arguments <code>Tn</code=
> would cause any subexpression or type <code>X</code> in the non-immediate=
context of <code>E</code> to be invalid, or if it would resut in exceeding=
one of the implementation-defined limits. An expression <code>E</code> is =
<em>deeply well-formed</em> when it is not deeply ill-formed.</p>
<p>An expression <code>E</code> is <em>superficially ill-formed</em> for ty=
pes <code>Tn</code> when it is deeply well-formed for <code>Tn</code> and w=
hen instantiaing <code>E</code> with arguments <code>Tn</code> would cause =
any subexpression or type <code>X</code> in the immediate context of <code>=
E</code> to be invalid. An expression <code>E</code> is <em>superficially w=
ell-formed</em> for types <code>Tn</code> when it is deeply well-formed for=
<code>Tn</code>, and it is not superficially ill-formed for <code>Tn</code=
>. Determining that an expression is superficially ill-formed does not make=
the program ill-formed. [<i>Note:</i> An expression may be determined to b=
e superficially well-formed and yet its odr-use may cause a program to be i=
ll-formed. </i>— end note</i>]</p>
<p>[<i>Example:</i> Given the following definitions:<pre>
template <class T> struct S {
using type =3D T[2];
template <class T, class U =3D void, class V =3D typename S<U>::=
auto f(T) -> V&;
template <class T, class U =3D void, class V =3D U[2]>
auto g(T) -> V&;
template <class T>=20
void h(T) { static_assert(sizeof(T) =3D=3D 0); }
Expression <code>f(1)</code> is deeply ill-formed because an invalid type '=
array of type <code>void</code>' is formed while instantiating the body of =
a class template specialization, which is a non-immediate context. Expressi=
on <code>g(1)</code> is superficially ill-formed because an invalid type 'a=
rray of type <code>void</code>' would be formed in an immediate context. Ex=
pression <code>h(1)</code> is superficially well-formed because no invalid =
type or expression would be formed in the process of determining well-forme=
<i>— end example</i>]</p>
<p>[<i>Example:</i> Given the following definitions:<pre>
auto is_even =3D [](auto v) { return v % 2 =3D=3D 0; };
auto is_odd =3D [](auto v) -> decltype(v % 2 =3D=3D 1) { return v % 2 =
=3D=3D 1; };
Expression <code>is_even(nullptr)</code> is deeply ill-formed because an in=
valid expression <code>nullptr % 2 =3D=3D 0</code> is formed while instanti=
ating the body of a function template specialization (for the purpose of de=
termining its return type), which is a non-immediate context. Expression <c=
ode>is_odd(nullptr)</code> is superficially ill-formed because an invalid e=
xpression <code>nullptr % 2 =3D=3D 1</code> would be formed in an immediate=
<i>— end example</i>]</p>
<p>[<i>Example:</i> Given the following definitions:
<pre> template <class T> struct X {};
template <typename T>
using XT =3D typename X<T>::type;
Type <code>XT<int></code> is superficially ill-formed because an inva=
lid type <code>X<int>::type</code> would be formed inside an alias te=
mplate, which is an immediate context.
<i>— end example</i>]</p>
<p>[<i>Example:</i> Given the following definition:
<pre> struct S {
C(double) =3D delete;
Expression <code>C(0.5)</code> is superficially ill-formed because it is in=
immediate the context and it would cause the program to be ill-formed.
<i>— end example</i>]</p>
<p>Whenever in this clause it is stated that an expression <code>E</code> i=
s superficially well-formed for types <code>Tn</code>, there is an implied =
precondition that <code>E</code> is deeply well-formed for <code>Tn</code>.=
If this precondition is not satisfied, the program is ill-formed.</p>
<li><p>Change [meta.unary.prop], Table 52 — Type property p=
redicates, as indicated:</p>
<table border=3D"1">
<caption>Table 52 — Type property predicates</caption>
<th align=3D"center">Template</th>
<th align=3D"center">Condition</th>
<th align=3D"center">Preconditions</th>
<td colspan=3D"3" align=3D"center">
<tt>template <class T, class U><br/>
struct is_assignable;</tt>
The expression <tt>declval<T>() =3D declval<U>()</tt> is <ins>s=
uperficially</ins> well-formed when treated
as an unevaluated operand
(Clause 5). <del>Access checking
is performed as if in a
context unrelated to <code>T</code> and
<code>U</code>. Only the validity of the
immediate context of the
assignment expression is
considered. [<i>Note:</i> The
compilation of the
expression can result in
side effects such as the
instantiation of class
template specializations
and function template
specializations, the
generation of
functions, and so on. Such
side effects are not in the
“immediate context” and
can result in the program
being ill-formed. <i>— end
<tt>T</tt> and <tt>U</tt> shall be complete types,<br/>=20
(possibly <i>cv</i>-qualified) <tt>void</tt>, or<br/>
arrays of unknown bound.
<td colspan=3D"3" align=3D"center">
<tt>template <class T, class U><br/>
struct is_swappable_with;</tt>
The expressions <tt>swap(declval<T>(), declval<U>())</tt> and<b=
<tt>swap(declval<U>(), declval<T>())</tt> are each <ins>superfi=
cially</ins> well-formed
when treated as an unevaluated operand (Clause 5) in an overload-resolution=
context for swappable values ( [swappable.requirements]). <del>Acce=
checking is performed as if in a context unrelated to <tt>T</tt> and <tt>U<=
/tt>. Only the<br/>=20
validity of the immediate context of the <tt>swap</tt> expressions is consi=
[<i>Note</i>: The compilation of the expressions can result in side effects=
as the instantiation of class template specializations and function templat=
specializations, the generation of implicitly-defined functions, and so on.=
side effects are not in the "immediate context" and can result in the progr=
being ill-formed. — <i>end note</i>]</del>
<tt>T</tt> and <tt>U</tt> shall be complete types,<br/>=20
(possibly <i>cv</i>-qualified) <tt>void</tt>, or<br/>
arrays of unknown bound.
<td colspan=3D"3" align=3D"center">
<li><p>In [meta.unary.prop] change paragraph 8 as indicated:</p>
The predicate condition for a template specialization <code>is_constructibl=
e<T, Args...></code> shall be satisfied if
and only if the following variable definition would be <ins>superficially</=
ins> well-formed for some invented variable <code>t</code>:
<pre> T t(declval<Args>()...);</pre>
[<i>Note:</i> These tokens are never interpreted as a function declaration.=
<i>— end note</i>] <del>Access checking is
performed as if in a context unrelated to <code>T</code> and any of the <co=
de>Args</code>. Only the validity of the immediate context
of the variable initialization is considered. [<i>Note:</i> The evaluation =
of the initialization can result in side
effects such as the instantiation of class template specializations and fun=
ction template specializations, the
generation of implicitly-defined functions, and so on. Such side effects ar=
e not in the =93immediate context=94
and can result in the program being ill-formed. <i>— end note</i>]</d=
<li><p>In 20.13.6 [meta.rel] change paragraph 5 as indicated:</p>
The predicate condition for a template specialization <code>is_convertible&=
lt;From, To></code> shall be satisfied if
and only if the return expression in the following code would be <ins>super=
ficially</ins> well-formed, including any implicit conversions
to the return type of the function:
To test() {
return declval<From>();
[<i>Note:</i> This requirement gives well defined results for reference typ=
es, void types, array types, and function
types. <i>— end note</i>]
<del>Access checking is performed as if in a context unrelated to <code>T</=
code> and any of the <code>Args</code>. Only the validity of the immediate =
of the variable initialization is considered. [<i>Note:</i> The evaluation =
of the initialization can result in side
effects such as the instantiation of class template specializations and fun=
ction template specializations, the
generation of implicitly-defined functions, and so on. Such side effects ar=
e not in the =93immediate context=94
and can result in the program being ill-formed. <i>— end note</i>]</d=
<li><p>Change [meta.trans.other], Table 60 — Other transfor=
mations, as indicated:</p>
<table border=3D"1">
<caption>Table 52 — Type property predicates</caption>
<th align=3D"center">Template</th>
<th align=3D"center">Condition</th>
<th align=3D"center">Comments</th>
<td colspan=3D"3" align=3D"center">
<tt>template <class Fn,<br />
class... ArgTypes> struct<br />
<code>Fn</code> and all types in the
parameter pack <code>ArgTypes</code>
shall be complete types,
(possibly cv-qualified) <code>void</code>,
or arrays of unknown bound.
If the expression
<code><i>INVOKE</i> (declval<Fn>(),
declval<ArgTypes>()...)</code> is <ins>superficially</ins> well<ins>-=
</ins>formed when treated as an unevaluated
operand (Clause 5), the member
typedef <code>type</code> shall name the type
<code>decltype(<i>INVOKE</i> (declval<Fn>(),
otherwise, there shall be no member
<code>type</code>. <del>Access checking is performed as
if in a context unrelated to <code>Fn</code> and
<code>ArgTypes</code>. Only the validity of the
immediate context of the expression is
considered. [<i>Note:</i> The compilation of
the expression can result in side effects
such as the instantiation of class
template specializations and function
template specializations, the
generation of implicitly-defined
functions, and so on. Such side effects
are not in the =93immediate context=94
and can result in the program being
ill-formed. <i>— end note</i>]</del>
<td colspan=3D"3" align=3D"center">
</ol> <!-- end of the list of changes-->
<li><p>Change [meta.unary.prop], Table 49 — "Type property =
predicates", as indicated:</p>
<blockquote class=3D"note">
[<i>Drafting notes</i>:
The term <i>referenceable type</i>, referred to below, is defined in 17.3.1=
9 [defns.referenceable].</p></li>
<li><p>The specification below allows, but does not require, that an implem=
entation defines the traits
<tt>is_swappable</tt> and <tt>is_nothrow_swappable</tt>, respectively, in t=
erms of the implementation details of the=20
more general traits <tt>is_swappable_with</tt> and <tt>is_nothrow_swappable=
_with</tt>, respectively.</p></li>
— <i>end drafting notes</i>]
I am greatful to Tomasz Kamiński for helping me out with the wording, =
and clarifying the details of type deduction.
Author: "S.B." <>
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2016 07:11:13 -0700 (PDT)
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On Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 8:37:27 PM UTC+8, Andrzej Krzemie=C5=84ski wro=
> Hi Everyone,
> As outlined in this discussion=20
> <
> it is not immediately clear how type traits should treat references to th=
> deleted functions. I enclose a proposal for wording changes that would ma=
> this a bit more cleared. You can also see it online here=20
> <
> .
> I would like to ask people here experienced in writing and reviewing=20
> proposals for feedback. Also, I wonder if a proposal that only clarifies=
> the wording should be submitted as a separate proposal, or as a defect=20
> report with a suggested fix?
> Regards,
> &rzej
I think the current P/R of LWG2290=20
<> is quite good. The=20
phrase "immediate context" is used in 14.8.2 [temp.deduct], so I think it=
should better be defined there. The library sections could just reference=
14.8.2 [temp.deduct].
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "=
ISO C++ Standard - Future Proposals" group.
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<div dir=3D"ltr"><br><br>On Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 8:37:27 PM UTC+8, And=
rzej Krzemie=C5=84ski wrote:<blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"marg=
in: 0;margin-left: 0.8ex;border-left: 1px #ccc solid;padding-left: 1ex;"><d=
iv dir=3D"ltr">Hi Everyone,<br>As outlined in <a href=3D"" target=
=3D"_blank" rel=3D"nofollow" onmousedown=3D"this.href=3D'https://groups='=
;return true;" onclick=3D"this.href=3D'';return true;">thi=
s discussion</a>, it is not immediately clear how type traits should treat =
references to the deleted functions. I enclose a proposal for wording chang=
es that would make this a bit more cleared. You can also see it online <a h=
__/blob/master/immediate_context.html" target=3D"_blank" rel=3D"nofollow" o=
QjCNFkIwqg9rC2hMpGZcw1zd0Be5w15g';return true;" onclick=3D"this.href=3D=
e5w15g';return true;">here</a>.<br><br>I would like to ask people here =
experienced in writing and reviewing proposals for feedback. Also, I wonder=
if a proposal that only clarifies the wording should be submitted as a sep=
arate proposal, or as a defect report with a suggested fix?<br><br>Regards,=
<br>&rzej<br></div></blockquote><div><br>I think the current P/R of=C2=
=A0<a href=3D"">LWG2290<=
/a> is quite good. The phrase "immediate context" is used in 14.8=
..2 [temp.deduct], so I think it should better be defined there. The library=
sections could just reference 14.8.2 [temp.deduct].<br></div></div>
-- <br />
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To post to this group, send email to <a href=3D"mailto:std-proposals@isocpp="></a>.<br />
To view this discussion on the web visit <a href=3D"
com/a/</a>.<br />
Author: =?UTF-8?Q?Andrzej_Krzemie=C5=84ski?= <>
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2016 07:31:48 -0700 (PDT)
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W dniu wtorek, 5 kwietnia 2016 16:11:13 UTC+2 u=C5=BCytkownik S.B. napisa=
> On Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 8:37:27 PM UTC+8, Andrzej Krzemie=C5=84ski w=
>> Hi Everyone,
>> As outlined in this discussion=20
>> <
>> it is not immediately clear how type traits should treat references to t=
>> deleted functions. I enclose a proposal for wording changes that would m=
>> this a bit more cleared. You can also see it online here=20
>> <
>> .
>> I would like to ask people here experienced in writing and reviewing=20
>> proposals for feedback. Also, I wonder if a proposal that only clarifies=
>> the wording should be submitted as a separate proposal, or as a defect=
>> report with a suggested fix?
>> Regards,
>> &rzej
> I think the current P/R of LWG2290=20
> <> is quite good. The=
> phrase "immediate context" is used in 14.8.2 [temp.deduct], so I think it=
> should better be defined there. The library sections could just reference=
> 14.8.2 [temp.deduct].
Thank you for the link. Indeed, it addresses some of my concerns, but the=
wording in LWG2290 <>=20
still does not help me answer whether how the deleted functions should be=
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "=
ISO C++ Standard - Future Proposals" group.
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mail to
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<div dir=3D"ltr"><br><br>W dniu wtorek, 5 kwietnia 2016 16:11:13 UTC+2 u=C5=
=BCytkownik S.B. napisa=C5=82:<blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"ma=
rgin: 0;margin-left: 0.8ex;border-left: 1px #ccc solid;padding-left: 1ex;">=
<div dir=3D"ltr"><br><br>On Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 8:37:27 PM UTC+8, And=
rzej Krzemie=C5=84ski wrote:<blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"marg=
in:0;margin-left:0.8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex"><div di=
r=3D"ltr">Hi Everyone,<br>As outlined in <a href=3D"
om/a/" rel=3D"nofol=
low" target=3D"_blank" onmousedown=3D"this.href=3D'https://groups.googl=';retur=
n true;" onclick=3D"this.href=3D'
/d/topic/std-discussion/n0fjEpdugPg/discussion';return true;">this disc=
ussion</a>, it is not immediately clear how type traits should treat refere=
nces to the deleted functions. I enclose a proposal for wording changes tha=
t would make this a bit more cleared. You can also see it online <a href=3D=
b/master/immediate_context.html" rel=3D"nofollow" target=3D"_blank" onmouse=
Iwqg9rC2hMpGZcw1zd0Be5w15g';return true;" onclick=3D"this.href=3D'h=
';return true;">here</a>.<br><br>I would like to ask people here experi=
enced in writing and reviewing proposals for feedback. Also, I wonder if a =
proposal that only clarifies the wording should be submitted as a separate =
proposal, or as a defect report with a suggested fix?<br><br>Regards,<br>&a=
mp;rzej<br></div></blockquote><div><br>I think the current P/R of=C2=A0<a h=
ref=3D"" target=3D"_blan=
k" rel=3D"nofollow" onmousedown=3D"this.href=3D'
\75D\46sntz\0751\46usg\75AFQjCNE6tB_hnJ3qfoqM9bjHqMAF9w8mDg';return tru=
e;" onclick=3D"this.href=3D'\75http%3A%2F%2F=\46sa\75D\46sntz\0751\46u=
sg\75AFQjCNE6tB_hnJ3qfoqM9bjHqMAF9w8mDg';return true;">LWG2290</a> is q=
uite good. The phrase "immediate context" is used in 14.8.2 [temp=
..deduct], so I think it should better be defined there. The library section=
s could just reference 14.8.2 [temp.deduct].<br></div></div></blockquote><d=
iv><br>Thank you for the link. Indeed, it addresses some of my concerns, bu=
t the wording in <a href=3D"
2290" target=3D"_blank" rel=3D"nofollow">LWG2290</a> still does not help me=
answer whether how the deleted functions should be treated. </div></div>
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